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When Are Kiwi Ripe in California?

Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) makes an excellent dooryard fruit for California gardeners in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 and 9. The fruits grow on large, deciduous vines, and you can expect to harvest the first fruits when the vine is four years old. The yield gradually increases each year until the vine is fully mature, eight to 10 years after planting. California growers harvest the fruit in fall.
  1. Harvest Date

    • Kiwi vines flower in late spring, set fruit in midsummer and ripen in fall. While commercial kiwi growers in California begin harvesting the crop in October and continue through part of November, the California Rare Fruit Grower's Association recommends home growers hold off harvesting until at least November 1, and until mid-November if possible. Commercial growers pick kiwi early enough to allow time for shipping to stores, but home growers can wait until the fruit is at its sweetest.

    Indications That Kiwis are Ready to Pick

    • Kiwis rot quickly if they are allowed to remain on the vine until they are fully ripe and soft, so you should harvest them while they are still firm and then allow them to ripen off the vine. They are ready to pick when the fruit is about the size of chicken eggs. The skin should be brown and fuzzy, and the flesh should be emerald green and dotted with small, black seeds. Once you pick them, kiwis don't develop any more sugar, so you want the sugar content as high as possible. Commercial growers test the sugar to determine whether the fruit is ready to harvest, but you will have to rely on the date and the visual indicators to determine whether the fruit is ready.

    Picking Kiwis

    • Harvest Kiwi by snapping the fruit off of the stem. Alternatively, you can cut the stems flush with the base of the fruit. To prolong the harvest, pick the largest fruit first and let the smaller kiwis grow a little more. Make sure you harvest all of the fruit before the first fall frost.

    Ripening Kiwis

    • Kiwis ripen in a few days when placed in a paper or plastic bag at room temperature. You can set paper bags on a windowsill, but keep plastic bags out of direct sunlight. For faster results, place a ripe banana or apple with the kiwi in a bag. The ripe fruit produces ethylene gas which accelerates ripening. Firm, freshly picked kiwis keep in the refrigerator for several weeks. Remove them to ripen at room temperature as needed.