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What Equipment Is Needed to Build an Aeroponics Garden?

A hydroponic gardening system protects your plants from soil pests and diseases, and it allows to you create the perfect environment for your plants to grow. The aeroponic type of hydroponic garden does these things and also uses the least water with the most efficiency. Aeroponic systems give your plants’ roots the most aeration while keeping them perpetually moist. Though a little more expensive and complicated than other hydroponic systems, aeroponics reward the dedicated hydroponic gardener. If you are considering a hydroponic garden, familiarize yourself with the aeroponic method of gardening.
  1. Root Container

    • The foundation if the aeroponic system is the root container. The roots of the plants extend into a closed container, where they are regularly misted with a nutrient solution. This container must be kept dark so that algae does not grow in it. An A-frame with holes punched in the sides to allow the roots of the plants sitting on it to enter is commonly employed for this purpose. A plastic container with holes drilled in the top would also serve.


    • The nutrient solution is applied directly to the plants’ roots by a mister. The spray nozzle can be left on continuously at a low pressure or it can function intermittently at high pressure. Simple spray jets are sometimes used for this purpose. Some systems use ultrasonic nebulizers. The mister nozzles are prone to becoming clogged with the minerals in the nutrient solution. If the misters run intermittently, then electronic timers are needed to control them.

    Reservoir and Nutrient Solution

    • A reservoir holding nutrient solution keeps the mister supplied, along with tubing connecting the reservoir to the mister. Plants need magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur to survive. The nutrient solution contains potassium or ammonium phosphate, potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate. These chemical compounds provide the plants all of the nutrients they need.

    Recycling Equipment

    • Many aeroponic systems have a drain in the bottom of the misting chamber leading to another reservoir. Nutrient solution that condenses out of the air and falls to the bottom of the root container drains into the reservoir and is stored for reuse. Never reuse nutrient solution in this fashion for more than two weeks. Each use removes some of the chemicals, and once enough of them are gone, the solution is no longer healthy for the plants.