Home Garden

DIY Auto Dripper for Indoor Soil Plant

One of the most challenging aspects of maintaining an indoor plant is keeping it sufficiently watered. Whether you're going out of town for the week or are just forgetful, an auto dripper can help keep your plant moist and healthy. Instead of purchasing an expensive dripper at a home and garden store, consider making your own. This dripper is simple to make, and can keep your plant watered for several days without refilling.

Things You'll Need

  • 24-oz. plastic bottle
  • Paper towel
  • Linseed oil
  • Electric drill
  • 7/64-inch drill bit
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      Rinse and dry a 24-oz. plastic bottle. Used water or soda bottles are ideal containers for this purpose.

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      Peel off any labels from the exterior of the bottle. Remove any glue residue by rubbing the outside of the bottle with a paper towel moistened with linseed oil.

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      Drill a small hole in the cap of the bottle using an electric drill mounted with a 7/64-inch drill bit.

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      Fill the bottle with water, and screw on the cap tightly. Place your finger over the hole in the bottle cap, temporarily sealing it.

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      Invert the bottle over the soil near the root base of the plant you wish to water. Remove your finger from the bottle cap, and quickly press the bottle down into the soil. The soil suspends the bottle vertically.

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      Refill the bottle as necessary. At first, you will likely need to refill the bottle very often. As the soil becomes properly moisturized, water will leach from the bottle at a much slower rate, requiring less frequent replenishment.