Home Garden

Drilling a Drainage Hole in a Ceramic Pot

A hole at the bottom of a pot can be the difference between a plant flourishing or withering. Excess water must drain from the container to allow the plant’s roots to get the air they need to thrive, according to the University of Illinois Extension's container gardening website. By learning to drill drainage holes in ceramic pots, you can ensure your plants will be healthy and your thumb will remain green. And you won’t have to pass up buying attractive pots that have no holes.

Things You'll Need

  • Power drill
  • Ceramic drill bit
  • Damp towel
  • Nail
  • Safety glasses
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      Place the ceramic pot upside down on a damp cloth laid out on a solid surface. The moistened cloth ensures that the pot won’t slide.

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      Press a nail into the ceramic to nick the spots where you want to drill. Drill a larger hole in the center or three smaller holes in a triangular pattern. The indentations keep the drill bit from sliding.

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      Equip your power drill with a ceramic bit, which is designed to prevent the pot from cracking or chipping when drilled. You can buy ceramic bits at a local hardware store.

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      Dampen the bottom of the pot to prevent the drill’s friction from overheating it, which can cause it to crack.

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      Drill into the markings, applying steady, easy pressure directly downward.