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How to Get Rid of Lamium Amplexicaule

Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) is a weed that grows in the cool months and is a member of the mint family. The stems are green and have hair-like projections along them with purple flowers emerging from the top in the spring. Although the weed is an annual, it produces many seeds that resprout in the fall. Eradicating the plant requires killing both the mature ones and preventing seed germination.

Things You'll Need

  • Post-emergent herbicide containing 2,4-d, dicambia and MCPP
  • Garden sprayer
  • Water
  • Pre-emergent herbicide containing isoxaben
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      Fill a garden sprayer with a selective herbicide that contains the three following ingredients 2,4-d, dicambia and MCPP. These herbicides are also called three-way herbicides, and you will see those words on the bottle or in the name. Read the bottle and add the amount of recommended water to the sprayer to dilute it.

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      Spray the herbicide mixture onto the stems and leaves of the weeds until they are completely wet.

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      Reapply the post-emergent herbicide in early fall. Apply only to any Lamium amplexicaule weeds that remain green.

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      Apply a pre-emergent herbicide containing the ingredient isoxaben in the fall as well. Spread it over the entire area where the Lamium amplexicaule grew in the spring to kill any seeds that remain in the soil.