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How to Make a Tree Limb Trellis

Trellises are an important support structure for any vine or climbing plant. They prevent the long stems from breaking due to weight or wind, and they create a backdrop to display the blooms and foliage. While trellises are available for purchase at any garden store, you can also make them. One basic trellis design consists of bare tree limbs, which are strong enough to support the weight of the plants and blend well into the landscape.

Things You'll Need

  • Tree limbs
  • Tape measure
  • Loppers
  • Hammer or rubber mallet
  • Galvanized wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Grape vines (optional)
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      Locate six 1/2-inch-diameter tree limbs to use for your trellis by looking at fallen limbs in your yard or at trees that require pruning. Try to locate trees with straight limbs, which are stronger and provide better trellis support. You can also find limbs from neighbors who are chopping down trees or from landscaping crews.

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      Place the tree limbs side by side in a row with the bottoms all lined up equally. Measure up between 4 and 7 feet for a garden trellis, using the lower height for a potted plant. Cut all the limbs at this height using loppers.

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      Cut all the side stems and twigs off each limb, using the loppers or hand pruners, until all you have left are straight poles.

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      Insert the poles 12 inches into the ground in the location where you want to construct the trellis. Hold the poles upright, or have another person do it and hit the top of them with a hammer or rubber mallet. Arrange the poles at equal distances in a circle as you insert them and angle the tops inward towards each other so they cross to form an "x", like a teepee.

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      Place a piece of galvanized wire approximately 6 inches from the top of the trellis and wrap it around the entire group of poles tightly, using as many revolutions as needed until the trellis is securely bound. Overlap the wire on top of itself as you wrap and then cut it from the roll using wire cutters. Twist the free end around one of the loops using needle-nose pliers to secure it in. Place additional loops of wire every 2 feet down the trellis to hold it securely together.