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The Differences Between Innotek UltraSmart In-Ground Pet Fencing IUC-4100 and 4200

The Innotek UltraSmart in-ground pet fencing system is available in two models, the IUC-4100 and IUC-4200. Both offer identical in-ground wire networks, but the IUC-4200 provides two other products: a lifetime-guaranteed external lightning protector and 100 extra feet of pre-twisted, 20-gauge wire.
  1. Standard Items

    • The UIC-4100 and UIC-4200 in-ground fencing system kits include 500 feet of 20-gauge wire, a wall-mounted transmitter, a training DVD and an UltraSmart pet collar. Extra collars are available for an additional price.

    Bonus Items

    • The UIC-4200's bonus wire helps with fence installation time, but is not a necessary component of the in-ground wire network. The external lightning protector, however, acts as a surge protector for the wall-mounted transmitter. The transmitter controls the in-ground fencing through an intricate system of field wires that pass from the wall to the yard.

      If a lightning strike hits within one to two miles of your home, the transmitter may be irrevocably damaged. The lightning protector, which plugs directly into the transmitter, comes with an Innotek lifetime warranty.

    Pricing and Availability

    • As of publication date, both the UIC-4100 and UIC-4200 retail for about $310. However, Innotek no longer advertises the UIC-4200 system and it is only available from outside authorized retailers.

    Other Options

    • Pet owners with a UIC-4100 system can add the bonus external lightning protector, model LP-4100. You can also purchase 100 extra feet of wire (model T-20-Wire). Both are available from Innotek and independent retailers.

      You can upgrade your UIC-4200 kit to a 2-dog or 3-dog kit by purchasing UIC-4200-2 or UIC-4200-3 from an independent dealer. Both kits include additional collars only.