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How to Repair a Small Chip Off of a Plaster Statue

Plaster and cement statues are beautiful, artistic additions to any garden or front lawn. However, they have the ability to chip and crumble just like any other plaster object. When chips and cracks occur, you need to tend to them as soon as possible, repairing the area with fresh plaster before the break grows larger.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety goggles
  • Utility knife
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Sandpaper
  • Water
  • Sponge
  • Dry plaster powder
  • Bucket
  • Wooden dowel
  • Putty knife
  • Soft-bristled paintbrush
  • Primer (aerosol)
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      Put on your goggles and prepare to enlarge the crack. Using the utility knife, you can gently cut away at the cracked or chipped area. Do not apply much pressure since the plaster has already begun chipping, and it will be very easy to remove more for a larger surface area to fill in.

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      Rough up the area with sandpaper to create more friction for the new plaster to bond with the existing plaster. Wipe away all loose dirt and dust with a soft-bristled brush so that you do not peel off or force any plaster off of the statue.

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      Combine the plaster powder and water in a bucket, and then stir with a wooden dowel.

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      Let a sponge soak up water, and then squeeze some water out and let the sponge sit on the area to be repaired. You can apply the new plaster once the hardened plaster is no longer soaking up any water.

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      Let the statue dry and cure for 24 hours before applying the primer.

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      Spray on the primer. This will protect the statue from natural weathering and staining over time.