Home Garden

Garden Arches & Arbors

If you are looking to add a distinctive touch to your home garden, add an arch or an arbor to your landscape. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they can also prove useful for supporting climbing plants.
  1. Benefits

    • Although most people buy an arbor or arch for decorative purpose, the structures also serve useful functions in the garden. They can act as entranceways to gardens, provide shade for plants and obscure parts of gardens that are not as attractive as the rest.


    • Large arbors and arches can be used to cover walkways in your garden, providing shade and cover. Some vines such as bougainvillea, clematis and grapes can reach 20 feet high and can be trained to grow along the arbor or arch.


    • Arches and arbors can be made from a wide variety of materials including plastic, wood, steel and aluminum. An arbor can be designed to look like an extension of the main house.