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How to Make a Bird Drinker With Garden Drip Irrigation

Birds don't have a good sense of smell, and so rely upon motion and sound as cues to desirable and dangerous conditions. This is why a bird dripper is valuable to highlight the presence of water. Birds need to bathe and clean their feathers for insect pests. They also need to drink frequently. A clean, safe, reliable water source in your yard encourages songbirds and others to frequent your garden. Not only is bird watching fun, but also they are valuable natural predators against insect pests plaguing your yard. Make a bird dripper with a section of your existing drip irrigation system.

Things You'll Need

  • Drip line
  • Drip tube
  • Measuring tape
  • Utility shears
  • Soil staples
  • Hole punch
  • Connectors
  • Shovel
  • Clip or clothespin
  • Drip emitter
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      Find the main drip line nearest your birdbath. Measure the amount of fine tubing you need extending it to the birdbath. Measure along the ground and then the vertical length, so that you can bury the tubing. Add 4 inches for the clip and allowing it to reach into the basin.

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      Use a drip-system hole punch where you want to attach the tubing. Push a connector into the hole and then attach the tubing.

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      Dig a shallow 2-inch trench running the tubing over to the birdbath’s base. Hold the tubing down with soil staples and then cover the tubing with soil. At the birdbath’s base, run the remaining tubing up to the basin.

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      Use a clip or clothespin to hold the tubing on the edge of the birdbath and extending out into the basil. The constriction from the clothespin may cause a constricted flow. Otherwise, push an emitter into the end of the tubing.

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      Add a fountain or spray attachment instead of a drip emitter if you wish to have a more dramatic water display. The birds will still be attracted and enjoy the water.