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How to Build an Indoor Garden

Building and maintaining an indoor garden is no more challenging than creating and growing an outdoor garden. Lighting, temperature, humidity and air circulation are all important factors in building an indoor garden, as are the types of plants you choose to grow.

Things You'll Need

  • Plants
  • Potting soil
  • Clay pots or other containers
  • Artificial light
  • Fan or air conditioning
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      Pick a room for your indoor garden. If possible, choose a room with south-facing windows, as these get the most natural sunlight. Buy artificial lights to control the amount of light plants receive in rooms with fewer windows.

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      Experiment with the arrangement of the plants you want to grow before purchasing them. For a traditional indoor herb garden, plant herbs in rows throughout the room; use light and space to influence the placement of containers. Some plants may not thrive with a lot of light, whereas others need to be exposed to as much sunlight as possible.

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      Purchase a halogen or LED lamp and a fan to regulate the light exposure, temperature and air flow in the room. Placing a halogen lamp in the room will generate enough heat to keep the plants warm even in winter, and the fan will keep air moving across the plants.

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      Buy your plants. Plant them in clay pots or other containers of your choice. Use the appropriate potting soil based on the needs of your plants.

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      Place plants around the room so they have the appropriate amount of space and sunlight for their growing characteristics. Water plants daily.