Home Garden

How to Pick the Right Size Shed

A garden shed is used for storing tools, lawn furniture and many other outdoor products. It may also act as a workshop or play area for different members of the family, and a storage space for extra household items. When choosing a shed, one of the most important decisions you'll make is what size you'll need. To pick the right size shed, consider factors such as layout, accessibility, the size of your yard and your storage needs.


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      Think about how you'll use your shed. Will it be used only for storage, or will it also act as a play and work area? Will you need a full workshop for all your tools, or just a small space to perform specific tasks? Consider what activities you hope to perform in your shed to help you select the right size.

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      Determine what items will be stored in your shed. Consider year-round items like tools, lawnmowers and paint cans, as well as seasonal items like pool toys and lawn furniture. Measure each of these items and add the dimensions together to estimate the necessary size. Add about 10 to 20 percent to this figure to account for future storage needs.

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      Decide on a layout. Base it on the activities you'll perform in the shed as well as on the items you plan to store. Do a quick sketch, keeping in mind the types of shelving, hooks and other devices you'll use to maximize your space.

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      Consider accessibility. If you simply choose a shed that can accommodate all of your belongings, without considering the layout you'll need, you may have trouble accessing tricky items. Objects in the back of the shed may be hard to reach, while heavy items like wheelbarrows may be difficult to maneuver. Consider how you will reach each item, and add extra space to increase accessibility.

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      Evaluate your yard. Make sure your shed is proportional to both your yard and your home. Leave enough outdoor space for other uses, such as entertaining and recreation. Make sure the ground is level enough to accommodate the shed dimensions you are considering.

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      Check with all relevant governing bodies. If you rent your home, check with your landlord to see how large your shed can be. Consider requirements set by homeowner's associations or local zoning codes. Check with your local building permit office to see if permit requirements are based on the size of a shed, as this may affect your final decision.