Home Garden

Ideas for a Cinder Block Building

Cinder blocks can be used for numerous different building projects, including projects which you wouldn't expect to work well with cinder blocks. Being a very basic building medium, they can be utilized for practically any project in which it is necessary to create a strong, sturdy foundation wall which is not only resistant to the elements, but to insect infestation, as well. Existing cinder block buildings can be retrofitted for these new uses, as well.
  1. Storage Shed

    • Wood is undesireable for a strong storage shed material in states where termite infestation is common. In these cases a storage shed of cinder blocks makes far more sense than wood. You can fit the storage shed with any of a variety of doors or windows and because the roof is high above the ground, termite infestation is far less of a problem. Use construction adhesive to attach siding to the shed to match your home or simply coat the blocks with stucco for an attractive decorative effect.


    • For those who enjoy preparing their own smoked meats, a cinder block smokehouse can provide plenty of insulation as well as fire resistance. Because rats and mice cannot gnaw through the block, there is no danger of pest infestation. A smokehouse is useful for preserving game meats as well as fish or even beef or pork.

    Root Cellar

    • Positioned into the side of a slope, a cinder block root cellar provides the perfect temperature to preserve vegetables, fruits, and canned goods. Before the advent of refrigeration, every house was constructed with a root cellar, usually under the floor of the house. On a sloped lot, you can build a root cellar quite easily by excavating into the slope, then building the foundation of the root cellar so that it can be below the slope's frost line. Use a locked exterior door for an entry and install fluorescent lighting to help you see when inside your root cellar.

    Animal Houses

    • If you want to have a strong, stable structure to house domestic animals such as chickens or goats, you can easily insulate cinder block buildings to protect the animals from temperature extremes and can hose them out with no problems when they get dirty. For chicken ensure that an appropriate predator fence protects the birds at night and provide plenty of dust for them to roll around in to get clean. Goats should have plenty of fresh bedding available.