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How to Save Cockscomb Seeds

Celosia, more commonly known as "cockscomb," is a native annual wildflower that is recognized as a leafy vegetable in other countries. This annual has wooly-looking spheres of color that rise in a plume from green leaves and resemble a rooster's comb. Two of the most common colors are bright yellow and red/deep magenta. Cockscomb is also known as "lion's paws."

Things You'll Need

  • White paper
  • Kitchen knife or quarter
  • Garden scissors
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    • 1

      Examine the neck of a cockscomb plume for seed development. The seeds are tiny black-gray rectangle shapes that appear approximately 90 to 120 days after germination.

    • 2

      Assure that seed development is complete by placing a piece of white paper under the neck of the plume and scraping the seeds with a quarter or a fingernail. Seed development is complete when the seed falls readily on to the paper.

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      Snip the cockscomb plume away from the plant using garden scissors. Take care not to disturb the seeds.

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      Allow the cockscomb seeds to dry completely by placing the plume on a large piece of white paper in a cool, dry place. This process can take several days or a few weeks, depending on the humidity level.

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      Shake the dried plume over the white paper to release the seeds. If the seeds do not shake out easily, scrape the seeds away from the plume using a kitchen knife or quarter.

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      Store the seeds in a paper envelope or glass jar in a cool, dry place. Use the seeds within two growing seasons to ensure viability.