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How to Grow Garlic The Easy Way

Growing good garlic is easy and has a wonderful taste.

Things You'll Need

  • a garden
  • garlic bulb
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      Garlic is like a tulip in that it is a bulb, because of this it is easy to grow. Garlic can be grown in mild to cold climates. The garlic is a very useful herb. It can be used in recipes and has health benefits as well.

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      Pick a bulb of garlic to plant. Make sure that is not soft or has brown spots. It should be of a quality that would be found in the produce section of your grocery store. Garlic can be found in some local garden center or in the produce section of the grocery store. There is no difference from the one in the grocery store. If you should choose to go the route of the grocery store for the planting garlic, go for the loose garlic not the packaged ones.

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      Garlic is planted in the fall. Harvest your vegetable and prepare your garden for next year crops. Mark out a row for your garlic. Mark it well so that when the spring comes you can remember what is planted there. Separate the garlic bulb into cloves. Remember which side has the root end; this will go into the ground first. Plant them 6 inches apart about too the second knuckle deep. Cover them with dirt and wait.

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      In the spring remember the garlic when watering and fertilizing the garden. Just don't pull them up they are not ready yet. The garlic will grow a stalk and blossom with pretty purplish flower that turns to seed. In the fall the stalk will fall over. Now is the time to harvest the garlic.

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      Pull the garlic from the ground gently and brush off as much dirt as possible. Let them set in a dark cool place for about a week. Dust more of the dirt off the bulbs of garlic. Don't dust them to hard; the paper should remain on the bulb of garlic. Use them as you please in recipes and such. Save one or two bulbs for re-planting.