Home Garden

How to Get Free Flower Seeds

There is nothing better than free flower seeds and plants. From collecting your own or trading with friends, your flower beds can become a plethora of bloom and colorful foliage every year. Flowers generally produce more than one bloom, so saving enough for yourself and gathering extra for exchange is easy.

Things You'll Need

  • Access to blooming flowers
  • Public bulletin boards
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      Collect seeds from wildflowers and garden plants already growing. The seeds must be fully developed before harvesting. Once the seed pod or flower head has died, you can remove it from the plant, dry it, and store the seeds in a jar or envelope.

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      Post fliers on public bulletin boards at grocery stores and laundromats in your area announcing the formation of a seed exchange club. Gather contacts through local garden clubs or other avid gardeners in your area who may want to participate in a yearly seed exchange.

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      Join social networking sites online. Actively seek out people with a common interest in plants and suggest a free seed swap from around the country. This allows you to try many varieties of plants and flowers from different regions.

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      Include a wish list of desired flower seeds with your signature in the emails you send out and in any forums you participate in on the Internet. The wish list should be short and not include any flower seeds that are protected by patent laws.

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      Talk with the local greenhouses and nurserymen about dead or dying plants. Offer to take the plants and return the growing flats. Collect the flower seeds and return the flats.

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      Contact the numerous organizations on the Internet that offer free seeds. Certain foundations and organizations gather flower seeds from donations and offer them to the public for the price of a self-addressed stamped envelope.