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The Best Time to Start Strawberry Seeds

As one of the first harvests of the growing season, strawberries are easy-to-pick delicious red berries whose plants are well suited for the home garden. Strawberries grow well in limited spaces--container pots and small gardens--and in raised garden beds. With successful seed germination their perennial plants produce berries quickly and abundantly.
  1. The Seeds

    • Strawberry seeds are collected from the outside of the berries--the specks that give the strawberry its distinct appearance. An easy way to harvest the seeds is to blend the strawberries in water and pour off the pulp and water from the seeds, according to Dr. Martin L. Price of ECHO.

      Seed preparation is important to increase the likelihood of germination. Place the seeds in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks to make sure the seeds have completely entered their dormancy state. Germination occurs in the soil when the seeds are allowed to emerge from a state of full dormancy.

      Enrich the soil with organic matter--including compost, bone meal and peat moss--prior to planting your strawberry seeds. Give the soil and its nutrients time to settle before planting the seeds. Strawberry plants have shallow roots but take in a lot of nutrients during its berry-producing season. Spread the seeds over lightly moistened soil and cover with a thin layer of peat moss.

    Where to Plant

    • Pick full-sun locations that are sheltered from wind for your strawberry seeds. This will help the plant grow and pollinate during the spring. Treat the soil to repel insects and do not plant your seeds in soil recently used by grass or other fruiting crops as they may have naturally attracted insects and diseases that affect strawberries. Put up a garden fence to protect the berries from rabbits and other animals.

    When to Plant

    • With the seeds, soil and location ready for planting, the best time to plant is the time that will cause the least damage to the young strawberry plants. According to GardenAction, the best time to plant strawberries for the next growing season is in the early days of September. In colder regions, it may be necessary to cover your soil with an insulating layer of mulch to fight off frost.

      The early fall planting gives the strawberry seeds enough time to take root and to grow deeper roots during the dormant winter season. By the time the spring season comes around, the root system will be strong enough to support the plant's new shoots. Early fall planting is suitable for the strawberry plants that fruit during one period in the summer.

      Planting in the springtime--early to mid-April--is an alternative time to plant strawberry seeds. The strawberries that produce fruit throughout the summer do well when planted in the spring, as related by GardenAction.