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How to Grow Better Watermelons

Wow!!! The fascination with growing watermelons. Yes there is a fascination in growing watermelons. Who can grow the biggest or sweetest. How about the redest or juiciest. Here are some tips that might help you. hosting a watermelon contest might be a good idea.


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      Plant watermelon seeds in spring after the chance of frost is gone. Watermelon will grow almost anywhere but sandy loam soils are the best. Plant 5 0r 6 seeds in hills about 6 feet apart. Plant seeds about one inch under the soil. Choose varieties that fit your growing season. If you mix seedless varieties with normal varieties it will help with pollination later.

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      When plants are about two weeks old thin down to the best three plants per hill. These plants shall produce the best without being crowded.

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      Keep weeds out of watermelon patch. Weeds fight with the watermelon for moisture and nutrients. Watermelon are deep rooted and do not require a lot of moisture.

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      Watermelon are mostly water and do not take a lot of nutrients. Fertilize with a 5-5-5 fertilizer when plants are 3 to 4 weeks old.
      Mulch under watermelon when the fruit is setting specially in wet weather. Keep fruit from being in the mud.

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      Most watermelon require a 85 to 90 day season. Watermelon do not ripen after they are picked so make sure they are ripe. A watermelon that is not sweet might be immature. Watermelon is good in any diet.