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Planting Depth Guide for Hollyhock Seeds

If you want to grow flowers from seed, the hollyhock (Alcea rosea) is a great candidate. These old-fashioned favorites are easy to grow and reseed readily, ensuring plenty of blooms for years to come. You can plant hollyhocks directly in the ground or start them indoors. In either case, it's important to plant hollyhocks at the correct depth. Without adequate light, the seeds won't germinate well.

Things You'll Need

  • Prepared soil
  • Hollyhock seeds
  • Measuring tape
  • Spray bottle or hose-end sprayer with a mist setting
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    • 1
      A measuring tape makes spacing easier.

      Lay a measuring tape along the planting area and drop a seed every 3 or 4 inches.You don't have to plant the seeds in a straight row. Irregular borders and mass plantings are natural and appealing. If you are planting in individual pots, place one seed in each pot.

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      Scatter soil over the hollyhock seeds, barely covering them with no more than 1/8 inch of dirt. Hollyhock seeds germinate best when they are exposed to some light.

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      A spray bottle moistens without disturbing the seeds.

      Mist the planting area with a spray bottle. For large areas, use a hose-end sprayer on the mist setting. Take care not to drench the area, because a hard spray will disturb the soil and could move the seeds.

    • 4
      Thin out hollyhock seedlings that aren't thriving.

      When the seedlings get their second set of leaves, thin the plants to 18 inches apart. Look closely at the plants as you pull the extras, as this is a good time to cull plants that aren't thriving.