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How do I Send Money Orders to Seed Banks?

Money orders are one of several methods of payment accepted by most seed banks when placing orders by mail. Along with personal checks and credit or debit cards, money orders serve as a valid proof of payment. Money orders purchased from the post office or another source are negotiable financial instruments and must be filled out correctly by the sender in order for them to be cashed by the recipient as legal tender and to protect the rights of the sender. Money orders are usually produced in duplicate with the top portion where the ink is laid down as the negotiable payment and the remaining copy/copies as a receipt and proof of purchase for the sender.

Things You'll Need

  • Negotiable money order
  • Ball point or rollerball pen
  • Seed bank order form
  • Envelope
  • Postage
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    • 1

      Fill out the lines on the money order form noting the sender's name and address. Press firmly to ensure that the duplicate copy is legible as this will be your receipt and will be needed for verification, should the original be lost in the post.

    • 2

      Fill in the seed bank name and mailing address in the recipient portion of the money order form using the address noted on the seed bank website or catalog under payment options or directions.

    • 3

      Detach the top, negotiable portion of the complete money order from the duplicate or receipt copy. Save the copy with your records as a proof of purchase.

    • 4

      Place the top copy of the completed money order in an envelope along with the seed order sheet containing your return mailing address and contact information, be it email, telephone or both. This will assist the seed bank in fulfilling your order or contacting you should it have any questions regarding your order.

    • 5

      Address the remittance envelope to the mailing address identified in the seed bank's catalog or online store as their payment mailing address. Note your return address should the mail not reach its destination or be undeliverable.

    • 6

      Affix the appropriate postage amount and drop the envelope in the nearest mail box.