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Seedling Diseases in Garden Plants

Garden seedlings or young plants developing from a plant embryo are highly susceptible to disease during their initial growing period. Early detection and prevention are the best method of control for these common, but devastating seedling diseases.
  1. Damping-off

    • Damping-off, caused by several fungal pathogens including Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium species, is a seedling disease of many garden plants. According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension, when conditions are not favorable for seed germination, various fungi species overcome the seedling causing seedling death. Cool and wet soil conditions favor the disease.

    Fusarium Seedling Disease

    • According to the University of Tennessee Knoxville Extension, Fusarium seedling disease, caused by Fusarium fungi, can kill infected garden variety seedlings within one week of emergence. Fusarium fungi cause Fusarium root rot, which attacks both seedlings and mature plants. The disease prefers warm climates and low pH levels.


    • According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension, prevention for damping-off consists of using seeds pretreated with fungicide and waiting to plant until temperatures increase. University of Tennessee Knoxville Extension recommends using seeds pretreated with fungicides and avoiding cultivating too deeply to prevent Fusarium seedling disease.