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Quaking Aspen Seeds

Quaking aspens (Populus tremuloides) produce thousands of seeds each year. According to the U.S. Forest Service, a 23-year old quaking aspen produced 1.6 million seeds. An ounce of the lightweight seeds consists of 156,000 to 250,000 individual seeds.
  1. Crops

    • Every four to five years, quaking aspens produce good seed crops. In other years, the tree produces a light crop. The trees start producing seeds as early as age two or three although the tree must be 10 to 20 years in age to produce large seeds crops.


    • Within a few days of ripening, quaking aspen seeds start to disperse. The seeds contain long silky hairs that help them travel for many miles via air currents. The seeds also get dispersed via water.


    • Fresh quaking aspen seeds must germinate in just two to four weeks after maturity or they lose viability. The seeds do not stay dormant, so germination can start within just a day or two after being disbursed if a moist area is found. More than 95 percent of the seeds will germinate, but this figure goes down if unfavorable conditions persist.