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How to Disperse Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are fruits that are not fleshy when the fruit is mature. Capsules and legumes are types of dry fruits that split open at maturity to reveal the seed. Caryopsis fruits and nuts do not open at maturity. You should plant these whole and give them time for the protective coating to rot away or extract the seed manually. The role of any fruit is to disperse seeds to create new fruits in the future. There are four types of fruit dispersal that allow fruits to reproduce naturally: self dispersal, wind dispersal, water dispersal and animal dispersal.


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      Gather the seed from within the protective coat of the nut, legume or capsule or gather caryopsis seeds in which the seed coat and seed are fused together. You can slide the seeds out of open legumes and capsules, but you have to crack nuts to extract the seed from the outer coat.

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      Plant the seeds in fertile soil either by throwing the seeds in the area or planting individual seeds by hand a few inches apart. Cover the seeds and provide water to stimulate germination.

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      Allow the plants to disperse their own seeds through the process of self-dispersal. Some plants disperse seeds by bursting the seed pods and ejecting seeds in the air. Geocarpic self-dispersal occurs when plants bury their own seeds in the earth.

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      Provide fertile soil in the area surrounding plants that disperse seeds through wind dispersal so seeds have a place to grow. Some dry fruits like maple and dandelion have plumes or wings that allow seeds to travel from the original plant and disperse to new growing locations.

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      Grow dry fruits near a water source so nature can use water dispersal to relocate dry fruit seeds. Fruits and seeds can float through water to disperse themselves.

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      Allow animals to access the dry fruits and disperse them naturally. Fruits with burs and sticky substances will stick to the animals' coats and fall off in other places. Animals might also crack open the protective shell of nuts and leave the seed inside to grow a new plant.