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Early Apple Varieties

Many people think of late September and October as apple season. In reality, there are several varieties of early-season apples which are available in early August and September. Some of these apples are wildly flavorful and can be eaten off the tree or stored and used for pies and applesauce.
  1. Paula Red

    • The Paula Red apple, developed by chance seeding in Michigan in 1960, is considered an early-season apple and is available in late August. Tart and juicy, Paula Red is commonly used in applesauce and pies, requiring little or no added sugar.


    • Sansa, developed in Japan in 1969, is an early-season apple available in August or early September. Sansa is a firm apple with tender flesh and is perhaps best known for its sweet aroma.

    Ginger Gold

    • Like Sansa apples, Ginger Gold apples are available in August or early September. These apples resemble golden delicious apples, but are completely distinct. Ginger Gold apples were first developed from chance seeding in Virginia in 1982 and their sweet and spicy taste make them popular eaten as-is or on salads.


    • Those who enjoy McIntosh apples are likely to enjoy Jonamac apples. Jonamac apples, available in August, taste similar to McIntosh, without being quite as sour. Jonamac apples were developed in New York in 1972 and are best eaten fresh off the tree, as opposed to saved and eaten later on.


    • The Zester apple has a light, crunchy texture, rare in an early-season apple. These apples, available in August, are characterized by a bright red sweet spot on the side that has been facing the sun. This sweet spot is packed with flavor. Zester apples were developed in Minnesota in 1998 and taste great eaten fresh.