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How to Wash Morning Glory Seeds

Morning glory flowers produce bright, vibrant blues, purples and other colors. Regardless of where you have acquired such seeds, washing the morning glory seeds is recommended in order to remove any pesticides, chemicals or dirt that may be lingering on the seeds. The proper cleaning method also eliminates the poor seeds from the rest of the group without causing any damage to the high-quality morning glory seeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket/bowl
  • Water
  • Spoon/stirrer
  • Flat surface
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    • 1

      Pour all of the morning glory seeds into a clean bucket or bowl.

    • 2

      Add tap water into the bucket. The amount of water added to the bucket should be roughly double the volume of the morning glory seeds in the bucket.

    • 3

      Stir the mixture vigorously with a spoon or other stirrer. Wait about five minutes, and the poor quality seeds will eventually float to the top of the bucket. Strain those seeds out of the bucket. Add more water to the bucket to keep the volume of liquid in the bucket the same, if necessary.

    • 4

      Repeat Step 3 two to three more times until seeds no longer rise to the top of the bucket. Pour the remain seeds into a strainer.

    • 5

      Place the seeds under running tap water for about 60 seconds to finish rinsing the seeds. Then, spread the seeds over a flat surface, such as a clean window screen or cookie sheet. Stir the seeds on the flat surface throughout the day until the seeds are dry.