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Kentucky Bluegrass Seed History

Poa pratensis---Kentucky bluegrass---is the most common cool-season grass and its seeds are found in hundreds of varieties. It is used on lawns, athletic fields, golf courses and in parks, and it grows in meadows and open woods as well as along streams and roads.
  1. Origin

    • Kentucky bluegrass seeds where brought to the United States by early European colonists. The perennial plant is native to almost all of Europe, northern Asia and parts of Algeria and Morocco.


    • More than 200 varieties of Kentucky bluegrass are available for purchase. Among the varieties are High Noon, Kenblue, Midnight and Moonshine.


    • The seeds of Kentucky bluegrass serve as a source of food for some small mammals and for birds, including ducks and geese, which deposit the seeds as they travel from place to place, helping to ensure the spread of the grass.

    Characteristics of Kentucky Bluegrass

    • Kentucky bluegrass is characterized by its emerald green color and by its boat-shaped leaf tip. Its smooth, upright stems are green year-round. It grows well in sun or in medium shade.