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Slice Seeding vs. Broadcast Seeding

The size of the area to be seeded is the primary factor to consider when deciding if you should slice or broadcast seed. Slice seeding requires the use of a grain drill, while broadcast seeding can be done by hand.
  1. Slice Seeding

    • Primarily used to improve weak lawns or to repair damaged areas, slice or slit seeding uses a grain drill that cuts furrows into the ground and plants the seeds directly into the soil.

    Broadcast Seeding

    • For larger areas of planting, broadcast seeding is the preferred method of seed distribution. The seed is spread, either by hand or through a mechanical spreader, across the area to be seeded.

    Other Considerations

    • Slice seeding distributes seeds in rows, which may produce an undesirable affect and so is not recommended for planting grass seed in new lawns. Use the slice seeding technique when seeding gardens or farm crops where even rows of flowers or vegetables are desired.

      Broadcast seeding may require mixing seed for better distribution: mix one part seed with four parts fine, damp sand. Because broadcast seeding does not plant the seed directly into the soil, after broadcasting,you will need to tamp or rake the seeds into the soil.