Home Garden

The Best Way to Store Garden Seeds

Often after planting, you may find that you have a significant amount of seed left over, enough in fact to supply your sowing needs for another planting season or more. Rather than toss the seeds away and be forced to purchase another batch the next time you're in need, you can simply store the seeds for later use. Properly stored, your seeds can last for up to 10 years, with their viability little affected by the storage process. After their removal from storage, you can simply plant the seeds as normal.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper envelopes
  • Seeds
  • Oven
  • Oven-safe tray
  • Oven-safe thermometer
  • Glass jar with sealable top
  • Refrigerator or deep freezer
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      Place your seeds into a paper envelope and press as much air from the envelope as possible. Place the seeds onto a shelf somewhere within your living space where you can maintain a moderate room temperature year-round. You can store the seeds indoors without further preparation for up to a year.

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      Dry the seeds in preparation for a storage period exceeding one year and extending up to 10 years. Turn on an oven to 100 degrees Fahrenheit and wait about five minutes for it to reach that temperature.

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      Spread the seeds in a layer onto an oven-safe tray and place a thermometer onto the tray along with the seeds.

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      Place the tray into the preheated oven and dry the seeds for six hours with the over door open. Check the thermometer occasionally to ensure that the oven's temperature never rises above 100 degrees. If it does, then adjust the temperature of the oven downward, immediately placing it below the 100 degree threshold.

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      Remove the seeds from the oven after the six-hour drying period and place them into a sealable glass jar.

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      Cover the jar with the cap tightly and then place it in a refrigerator or deep freezer.