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Grass Seeds & Birds

Planting grass seed is one of the most economical methods of growing new turf or filling in thin spots in existing turf. Just as this planting option may be appealing to your budget, the seeds are appreciated by many birds. If freshly planted grass seeds are disappearing from your landscape, a hungry sparrow, black bird or morning dove may be taking to your provision. But gardeners should not despair. There are ways for birds and grass seed to peacefully co-exist.
  1. Bird-Resistant Seeds

    • For a hungry bird, any type of grass seed is a good seed. There is one exception, however: seeds that are coated with a taste that many birds find offensive. Brands are available at garden centers.

    Scare Tactics

    • It is possible to scare birds away, though it isn't likely they will stay away. Placing scarecrows and rubber snakes are two methods that birds quickly become accustomed to and may soon ignore. Detractors that move, such as pinwheels and flags, are better for keeping birds at bay.

    Covering Seeds

    • Placing a protective barrier over seeds, particularly before they sprout, may present the best measure of defense against birds. A thin layer of seed-free straw, floating covers or bird netting placed 2 to 3 inches off the ground will help keep birds away. Secure the bird netting with stakes.

    Feeding Time

    • Birds most actively feed on seeds during the morning and afternoon. If you are relying on static decoys such as scarecrows, be prepared to reposition them in a timely manner to fend off the feeders.