Home Garden

How to Plant Granny Smith Apple Seeds

Unlike most apples, Granny Smiths retain their green color throughout the life of the fruit. Granny Smith is also tart, unlike other apple varieties. Planting a Granny Smith apple seed is not guaranteed to produce a Granny Smith tree. This is because the germination of apple trees happens when bees carry pollen from one apple tree to another. If the bee brings McIntosh pollen to a Granny Smith tree, for example, then the resulting fruit may not be Granny Smith.

Things You'll Need

  • Wax paper
  • Sealable sandwich bag
  • Small pot
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      Determine the best location for your new tree. The perfect spot is not susceptible to standing water (such as a low part of your lawn or the side of a hill) and gets plenty of sunlight.

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      Dry the seeds completely. Place them on wax paper and roll them over every few days. You can tell they are dry when they lose their dark, shiny color. This process typically takes up to four weeks. After the seeds are dry, place them in a sealable sandwich bag.

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      Place the bag in your refrigerator. The cool air will help the sprouts grow. This process is called stratification. You can place soil in the bag with the seed, but you will need to keep it moist. After about 2 1/2 months, you should see some leaves sprouting if you used soil.

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      Place the seed in a container, such as a pot, and place it in a well-lit place. You many need to feed it fertilizer for several months before you plant it outside. After caring for it for awhile, take it outside and bury it, and the soil, in the site you selected. Dig the hole deeply enough that you can completely cover the seed and the soil.