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Paper Towel Method for Sprouting Plants

All seeds need the proper balance of oxygen, water, temperature and sometimes lighting to germinate properly. One of the easiest methods for sprouting seeds and giving them a head start before planting is the paper-towel method. This method is also useful for checking whether old seeds will still sprout.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed packet
  • Paper towels
  • Zip-top bags
  • Water
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      Dampen a paper towel by briefly soaking it in water. Wring out any excess water. Spread the seeds out on the paper towel.

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      Fold the paper towel over so that the seeds are covered. Read the seed packet to see if light is required for germination. If light is required, do not fold the paper towel; instead, place the seeds in a well-lit area.

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      Place the paper towel in a zip-top bag. Do not close the bag completely to allow for oxygen exchange. Storing the seeds at about room temperature usually works best.

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      Check every few days to see if the paper towel is still moist and if the seeds have sprouted. Do not let the paper towel dry out. Re-moisten the paper towel if necessary. Most seeds will sprout in about one week or less, but some may take up to two weeks.

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      Remove the seeds from the paper towel once roots have emerged. Plant them in loose potting soil. If roots are adhering to the paper towel, they may break when pulled. If this happens, cut off a piece of the paper towel with the seed attached and plant the seed and paper towel piece together.