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How to Germinate Tobacco Seeds With Saltpeter

Saltpeter, otherwise known as potassium nitrate, is useful in providing the fertilization necessary for germinating tobacco seeds. In some cases, a person grows tobacco in her garden for ornamental purposes. Another gardener may cure tobacco for personal use or to sell. Germinating the seeds is not difficult as long as you have the right soil, adequate moisture and the saltpeter. Sowing them properly in the soil is also vital for the seedlings to thrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed-starting mix or sterile soil
  • Small pots with drainage holes and saucers
  • Tobacco fertilizer
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      Sow the seed in a soil that doesn't contain any disease organisms or weeds. Use a seed-starting mix if possible. Small pots are suitable for sowing the tobacco seeds if you only need a few plants.

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      Sprinkle the tiny tobacco seeds on the surface of the dirt. Pat down the seeds with your fingers. This ensures they have adequate contact with the soil.

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      Pour water into the saucer of the planting pot to keep the dirt adequately moist. Otherwise, irrigate the seeds with a fine mist. Add water when necessary to provide constant moisture, yet not so much as to make the soil soggy.

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      Add a tobacco fertilizer to the soil according to the directions on the label. A small amount is best since it prevents high concentration of the fertilizer that may retard the growth of the roots. This type of fertilizer provides the saltpeter – nitrates – to the seeds.

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      Repeat the application of the saltpeter-containing fertilizer every 10 days to two weeks over the next 1 1/2- to two-month period for the most viable seedlings.

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      Place the pots in a sheltered area or germinate the tobacco seeds in a greenhouse. The seeds germinate best when grown in an area where the temperatures remain about 75 to 80 F.