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How to Attract Fairies Without Flowers

When you need a touch of magic or require assistance in a task, you may wish to call upon the help of the fairies but not know where to find them. While the presence of wildflowers, such as bluebells, milkweed and heather, are sure ways to get their attention, you may not have enough time to wait until the flowers bloom. If this is the case, there are other ways to attract winged friends, but remember to take care. While some fairies, such as brownies and kobolds, may be agreeable to helping you, other fairy-like creatures may not be as sociable or understanding.

Things You'll Need

  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Fairy cakes
  • Thyme
  • Music
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      Leave bowls of honey and milk outside of your front door to attract the fairies. Consider the size of the fairy you wish to attract. For example, if you need the help of a pixie, she will find it more hospitable if you pour the milk and honey into small thimbles.

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      Bake fairy cakes and leave them as offerings of goodwill for the fairies. Fairy cakes are a favorite treat of the wee folk. These small cakes consist of flour, sugar, eggs, milk, salt, butter and vanilla extract.

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      Sprinkle thyme over the threshold of the door to the house and across the windowsills to attract fairies into the home. Wearing a sprig of the thyme may also give you the ability to see the sidhe, an Irish fairy who has a penchant for beautiful objects.

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      Sing, dance and play music with the windows open. Pixies have a particular fondness for music and dancing and are often drawn to it. Keep in mind, however, that they are mischievous creatures with short attention spans. They are prone to taking household items, but will usually return them once they grow bored with the item they have acquired.

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      Remove all items of iron from the premises. Iron not only repels fairies but can also drain their energy, making them less powerful.