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About Whirlpool Tubs

Whirlpool tubs are a great, relaxing way to finish or begin the day. They are much larger than a standard tub and have many additional features that are not present in a normal bath. One of the features that a whirlpool tub is most famous for is the swirling effect that different jets of water produce. This creates a pleasing, massaging sensation that is very soothing and relaxing. There are many different kinds of whirlpool tubs, and they all have their own unique features.
  1. Features

    • Standard whirlpool tubs come in many different sizes and shapes. Most whirlpool tubs are made from a cast iron base, with an enamel coating. Other tubs have acrylic tub basins, or have basins made from composite materials. The easiest tub to install is the composite tub because it has the lightest weight. Most whirlpool tubs come with several different ways of shooting water into the tub. Several different water jets can shoot different kinds of water into the tub. Some even come with a feature to add bubbles to a water jet to make it really bubbly in the tub.


    • The main purpose of a whirlpool tub is to create a relaxing and soothing bathing experience. Many whirlpool tubs are large enough for more than one person, which makes romantic evenings more fun and relaxing. Whirlpool tubs are also great for people who have muscle issues that need to be constantly stimulated and relaxed to function. Arthritis patients also benefit from bathing in a whirlpool tub on a regular basis.


    • Some of the most common effects that whirlpool tubs use are water jets that shoot water out at varying speeds, and one or more water spouts to fill the tub quickly. The water mixes with air to produce a massage-like feeling on the skin. The water levels can be adjusted to provide different levels of pressure on people's bodies. Some whirlpools also have the option of adding bubbles to the water jets, creating an enormous bubble bath.


    • The benefits of using whirlpool tubs are many. They are relaxing to the body. They can provide different levels of massage that penetrate into the deep tissues of skin. This causes the body to release stress and other harmful toxins and feelings. Women in labor can sit in a whirlpool tub and have easier contractions. Even pets are able to benefit from whirlpool tubs and the healing properties that they produce. Many pet spas use whirlpool tubs for their animals.


    • Whirlpool tubs are very useful, however, there are some drawbacks. Filling and emptying the tub causes water bills to be much higher. Electric bills are higher as well. It is also dangerous for pregnant women to get into a tub of water that is about 102 or 103 degrees as it can be harmful to a baby. If the water is left inside the tub it can be a health risk to small children, or to people who use it multiple times if the water is not cleansed on a regular basis.