Home Garden

Homemade Children's Garden Gates

A child's garden gate can be constructed either for the child's own recreational use or it can be a professional and a functional gate with a child-themed imagery and colors. A child's play gate can be used for the entrance to their secret hideout and a children's-themed gate would be likely used on preschool or kindergarten gates. Just be sure to have the size and quality of the gate appropriate for it's usage.
  1. Theme

    • Select a garden theme. It could be whimsical, such as a fairyland garden or enchanted garden; it could be based on a cartoon character; it can be centered on a certain color. Pick one that fits the child's interest and something basic so that he can participate in the gate's construction.


    • Make sure that the gate is personalized for the child's use. If the child wants just a small, little gate for her own small tree house, tea party or any other play area, it's not necessary to get out the heavy-duty tools with large panels of wood. Opt for small panels of wood or even small branches. Whatever style you choose, make it creative and fitting to the child's needs.


    • Most garden gates are constructed with a "Z" frame. Measure the area that the gate will cover and obtain wood that fits the area, and then construct the frame. This is done by getting four wood beams and nailing them by the ends to make a rectangular frame. The size and thickness of the beams is dependent on the size of the area that it will cover. The larger the area, the thicker the wood. Attach one more beam going across the middle of the frame.

      Measure the diagonal length and attach a beam inside the frame running diagonal so that the frame appears to have a "Z" shape. Then attach flat panels onto one side of the frame.

      Get three hinges, found in any hardware store, and attach each hinge to each wood frame that is running horizontally. There should be three, including the one beam attached in the middle of the rectangular structure.

      Depending on the gate's style, the wooden beams could be replaced by wooden sticks and attached to each other with twine. This will give the gate a folksy, whimsical feel if that is the style fitting for the project.


    • If you have constructed a more professional looking gate with store bought paneling, then it's a good idea to have a children's themed-design on it. Again, it could be based around a cartoon character or for a more personal touch, the child can paint onto the gate with hand prints or a family portrait. It's all about having fun and being creative.