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How to Repair Webbing on Lawn Chairs

A favorite pastime to many is sitting on the patio with the barbecue heating up and a cool drink in hand. But a frayed and sagging lawn chair mars the picture. Your garage or basement might also be cluttered with lawn furniture that is no longer usable. You can fix the webbing on lawn chairs with a little time and preparation.

Things You'll Need

  • For polypropylene webbing:
  • Webbing kit or webbing roll
  • Grommets or screw if they are not including in the kit
  • Screwdriver
  • Tape measure
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch or hammer and nail
  • Duct tape
  • For Vinyl Webbing:
  • Webbing kit
  • Drill
  • Gloves
  • Pot of boiling water
  • Tongs
  • Rag or towel
  • Powder
  • Mallet or hammer
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  1. Polypropylene Webbing Repairs

    • 1

      Unfasten the old webbing.

    • 2

      Cut new straps the same length as the old ones. You will be able to adjust for slack at a later point in the process.

    • 3

      Reinforce the edge of each strap by folding over one corner of each strap about 2 inches to form a triangle. Use duct tape to hold the triangle in place while you punch a hole through the webbing for your screw to go through later.

    • 4

      Attach the first strap to the frame with a screw or grommet by wrapping it over the frame with the triangle and screw hole on the underside of the frame.

    • 5

      Form another triangle fold at the second end and test the length of the strap for size before punching a hole in the triangle fold and attaching.

    • 6

      Test the tightness of the first strap or any subsequent straps by opening and closing the chair. If the chair is too tight, adjust the strap as necessary.

    • 7

      Attach all other straps as above, moving from the back of the chair going forward. Attach all vertical straps first or all horizontal straps first

    Vinyl Strap Repair

    • 8
      Repairing vinyl strap chairs is somewhat complicated.

      Determine whether your webbing is attached with a single or double wrap. Single wrap vinyl has rivet holes on the inside of and either flush with or slightly indented into the chair frame. Double wrap webbing has a hole on the bottom of the frame.

    • 9

      Remove all the existing straps by cutting with scissors. Note the method of rivet attachment -- either a double wrap or a single wrap around the frame -- you will use later.

    • 10

      Determine the length of the straps. Because the vinyl will be heated and stretched, your first measurement will be reduced. Chair Care Patio.com experts suggest that you measure the distance from screw hole to screw hole, making sure to wrap the tape measure around the frame as you will do with the strapping. Multiply that figure by .90 (90%). Add 1 inch for your final cut length.

    • 11

      Cut only one strap to install as a test.

    • 12

      Drill a hole on each end of the strap about 1/2 inch from the ends.

    • 13

      Trim the corners of the drilled strap so they will not be seen once the strap is installed.

    • 14

      Place the strap into a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes.

    • 15

      Remove the strap with tongs, dry with a rag and dip into powder for ease of handling.

    • 16

      Insert the rivet into the strap while it is still warm and fasten to the frame by wrapping it around either once or twice.

    • 17

      Attach the strap to the other end of the frame, pulling it tightly. For double wrap chairs, slide the vinyl over itself after riveting.

    • 18

      Repeat the steps for all remaining straps.