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Bird House Painting Ideas

Serious birdwatchers and casual observers alike enjoy birdhouses. Hang a birdhouse in a garden for purely decorative purposes, or, if built and stored properly, a birdhouse can attract birds to nest every year.
  1. What Paint to Use

    • While many birds prefer simple, unpainted birdhouses, painting one can provide extra decoration for a garden. Do not paint the inside of the birdhouse, as this will prevent birds from entering or nesting. Apply two or three coats of exterior latex paint to the outside of the birdhouse and finish with water-based polyurethane to prevent yellowing in an environmentally friendly way.

      Different birds sometimes prefer different colors, but in general choose earth tones in light hues to mimic a natural surrounding. Shades of white, beige and peach are often effective at attracting birds. Bright colors may attract some birds, similar to bright flowers, but will often scare away birds who don't want their nesting location known.

    Design Ideas

    • Any design can be painted on a birdhouse, but keep it looking as natural as possible to help to attract birds. Painting leaves and flowers on the house will make it attractive while allowing it to blend into the surroundings. Use smaller brushes for the details, and use stencils for a more finished look.

      Many birdhouses are decorated to look like real houses. Paint a door around the opening and windows on the side, with matching trim. Paint the roof brown or dark red to look like shingles, using a fine-tipped brush to paint in the lines.

      Use a sponge and a few different colors for a textured, abstract appearance. Use a sponge to create a cloudy sky or white-capped water.

      For a more intricate design, use a pocketknife to carve patterns into the birdhouse before painting. Don't press deeply enough that the wood cracks or splinters. Once the carving is done, finish the entire house with a wood stain, or fill in the carving with a dark stain and finish the rest of the house with a lighter color. Use a wood-burning tool for the same effect.


    • Be careful in selecting paints for birdhouses that will be used for purposes other than decoration. Many paints contain chemicals that are harmful to birds and other wildlife (and, of course, humans). Always used water-based paints and stains, and avoid those that contain lead or creosote.

      Painting a birdhouse can make it look more attractive in a garden, but don't be tempted to re-paint it when it comes worn or weathered. Older, duller birdhouses will blend in better with the birds' natural surroundings and allow them to feel safer and more at home.