Home Garden

How to Build a Pyramid Trellis

A new trellis supports many types of plants. Growing or enabling climbing vegetables or flowers to grow around trellises is a big step towards ensuring their success. A simple pyramid structure trellis is cost-effective to produce, and easy to construct.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 5-foot medium-sized cured bamboo poles
  • Paddle wire or rubberized wire (17-20 gauge)
  • Handsaw
  • Shovel
  • Gardening gloves
  • Wire cutters
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  1. Building the Trellis

    • 1

      Prepare the bamboo poles. Four 5-foot, medium-sized cured bamboo poles are required. You should be able to find these at a garden center, but you can easily make the poles by cutting down strong bottom sections from existing bamboo plants if you have them available. Cut the bamboo just above the node of the stem. This stops water from entering into the space between the walls and rotting the poles when they sit in the lawn or garden after you have built the trellis. To cure the bamboo, dry them in a warm, non-moist environment for six to twelve months.

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      Prepare the area for your trellis. Remove excess dirt or soil to flatten the ground with the shovel. The bamboo trellis will also work around pre-existing planters where the stone, wood or concrete floor makes for an excellent no-rot footing.

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      Form the pyramid structure of the trellis. Trace a square on the ground, and place the end of each pole on a corner of the square. Gather the four other ends of the pole in the center space above the square.

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      Connect the poles to form the frame. Put on the gloves and wrap the wire in a clockwise motion around the ends of the poles. Start six inches from the top of the poles. Weave the wire through the four ends and around itself to form a tight bundle that will allow the poles to keep their pyramid shape all the way to the ground and their respective four corners. Cut the wire with the wire cutters when the wrapping at the top is firm.

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      Create the trellis cross wrapping. Secure one end of wire to the top wrapping and work it down the length of the poles. Wrap in a spiral clockwise motion, stopping to connect the wire to the bamboo when you get to a node. To connect the wire, simply wrap the wire twice around one of the nodes before continuing down to the next pole. Stop six inches from the ground and clip the wire and wrap it to itself to form a self-tightening knot.

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      Position the pyramid trellis. You will e able to move it since the wire will hold the poles in place. Place the trellis over an existing climbing plant or vegetable.