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Bamboo Pole Ideas for Gardens

Bamboo is a strong yet lightweight and resilient wood that makes an attractive and useful addition to a garden. Bamboo poles are a renewable resource, and can be used to form fences, mark plants, grow vegetables, and a variety of other uses. Determine the needs of your garden, and try to use bamboo poles to meet those needs.
  1. Bamboo Planters

    • Use bamboo poles to construct bean "tee pees" for growing various legumes. Order these poles from online vendors. To construct a bean tee pee you will need about 10 bamboo poles, a roll of twine and pole bean seeds, according to Kiddie Gardens. Dig a circular space in your garden that is about three feet in diameter. Push three bamboo poles into the ground about three inches on the outside of the circle, and then tie the poles together using twine. Plant pole bean seeds about two inches into the ground. The beans will sprout, and grow up the bean tee pee.

    Bamboo Fences

    • Purchase a rolled bamboo fence for your garden. This fence features bamboo poles connected with copper-clad wire. You can purchase the fencing in a variety of heights and lengths. You can attach the fencing to a fence that already exists -- making this option an easy cover-up for an old fence in your garden.

    Plant Markers

    • Use single bamboo poles -- about three feet high -- to mark where one row or section of vegetables ends and another begins. You can dress up these markers by attaching wood or metal signs that display the names of the various vegetables and plants, such as "Tomatoes," "Beets," "Melons," or "Herbs."