Home Garden

Free Projects: Recycled Garden Art

The garden has become an extension of the home, but far from a formal environment, decor can take on a whimsical approach. Not just a physical getaway, but an emotional departure as well, the garden can be a mental break from the seriousness of life. Using recycled goods to create garden works of art can challenge your sense of humor and provide an opportunity to unwind for free.
  1. Wood Scraps

    • Leftover wood can take on a sculptural effect.

      Wood scraps, whether small or large, can be utilized in the yard. Whether you want to build a funky birdhouse for your feathered friends or use up some leftover paint to create a hanging art piece, wood remnants can find a use in the yard. Large wood pieces, such as table tops, can be hung from a sturdy fence or wall and painted.


    • Copper art.

      If you have soldering skills and the tools necessary, metal sculpture or wall art is a possible use for leftover metal parts. Sheets of metal, nuts and bolts or simple scraps can be used to create three-dimensional animals and faux plants, wall hangings and gates and fences.


    • Bird homes, bee nests and toad spaces are all easily made from recycled goods. Chipped terracotta pots can be placed upside down near a water source. If you're lucky a toad may take up residence. Native bee homes can be made from recycled wood pieces. For those with an imagination, fairy gardens provide an outlet. Baskets, leftover pottery and small furniture, sticks and toys will convince those persnickety fairies to visit.


    • Just a bit of paint and possibility can turn rocks into a garden focal point.

      Designing is easy with rock. Create snake-like forms, circles and other designs. Games such as tic-tac-toe can be made with rocks. Painting designs or gluing marbles or other found items onto rocks are all easy projects.


    • It doesn't have to be perfect to be pretty.

      Tile has long been used in garden art. It doesn't matter if it is broken or whole, pieces can be placed together and grouted onto furniture, table tops, wall hangings and stepping stones.


    • The varieties of recycled garden art are endless. Let your imagination be your guide. In order to protect your creative endeavors, it may be necessary to use a protective varnish on paints and woods. On the other hand, allowing nature to take its course weathers your art to a nice patina.