Home Garden

How to Create a Plastic Window Box

A plastic window box is a molded plastic trough that can be filled with plants, herbs or flowers. The trough is then placed inside or outside a window, either on a window sill or shelf. The benefit of having a plastic window box is that it is cheap to buy, easy to maintain, and the plastic is lightweight and durable. If it falls, unlike ceramic, the plastic is less likely to break. You can simply scoop up the contents of the box and re-order the plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Plastic window box
  • Soil
  • Selection of plants, flowers or herbs
  • Small pebbles
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    • 1

      Choose a suitable place to put your plastic window box. Look for an open area beneath a window sill that receives light during the day to help the plants grow. Place your window box in a location where you can see it.

    • 2

      Measure the width of the area so that you can buy the correct sized box for the space.

    • 3

      Take a trip to the garden center. Buy the items you will need to create your plastic window box. You'll need a plastic window box, soil, plants and small pebbles for decoration and drainage. If you can, use an existing plastic box that fits the space and add drainage holes.

    • 4

      Work outside in an open space. Begin by checking that there are holes in the bottom of the plastic box for drainage. If not, put holes into the base using a screwdriver.

    • 5

      Place a thin layer of pebbles across the bottom of the plastic window box. The pebbles are for drainage. Then fill the window box three quarters full with soil.

    • 6

      Arrange the plants on top of the soil. Move them around until you are happy with their positioning. Put larger, overhanging plants are the edges and distribute colored flowers evenly within the display. Avoid over-packing your window box otherwise your plants will not grow properly.

    • 7

      Plant the flowers in the plastic window box. To do this, scoop out a handful of soil where you want to place each of the plants. Put the root of the plant firmly in the hole, and refill the soil around it.

    • 8

      Secure the plant in place. Do this by compressing the soil around the stem of the plant using the palm of your hand.

    • 9

      Scatter a half-inch layer of pebbles around the plants. This is both decorative and practical, as the pebbles will keep the soil moist and stop pests from digging the plants up as easily.

    • 10

      Put the plastic window box in its designated area. Either place it on the window sill, screw it to a wall, or hang it from hooks. The style and size of the window box and available space will determine the best and most secure way to place your box.