Home Garden

Old Tire Uses in the Garden

Old used tires are workhorses in the garden. They can fill your day with fancy, provide beauty or even be a place to grow something for dinner when you recycle them instead of throwing them in the trash. Upscaling rubber tires saves space in the landfill, and tires will last a long time in your garden, where they can be used in many ways.
  1. Potato Condo

    • Stack tires up around a few potato plants. As the potato vine grows, add soil around the base of the plant so that the plant sprouts higher. This will lead to a much bigger harvest in the fall when you take the "potato condo" apart to dig for tasty tubers. Some disagreement exists whether tires will leach harmful chemicals in a vegetable garden, however.

    Raised bed

    • Most discarded automotive tires are at least 6 inches wide, which is a good depth for a raised garden bed. With a utility knife, cut the sidewall area of the tire away, to make more room for soil. (The sidewall is the part of a tire where you find the manufacturer's name and details.)


    • Create a thick rubbery mulch for ornamental plants, shrubs and trees by chopping up old discarded tires into 1-inch fragments.


    • Old tire swing sets make memories out of childhood.

      Tie a rope or two around a tire and hang it from a strong tree branch to enjoy a lazy hot summer afternoon.