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Winter Hummingbird Plants

According to Cornell University, some hummingbirds overwinter in North America, particularly in parts of the U.S. that lie along the Mexican border. Hummingbirds will visit places with artificial feeders, but nectar-bearing plants also attract them.
  1. Flowers

    • According to Washington State University Clark County extension, plants that attract hummingbirds in winter bear flowers during cold conditions. They provide the nectar that hummingbirds need to survive. These plants often have red flowers with a tubular shape.


    • Hummingbirds can also obtain their food from berries that persist in winter, according to WSU. Plants that bear berries in the winter include winterberry, holly and snowberry.


    • Some evergreen plants provide the cover that overwintering hummingbirds need. For example, the eastern red cedar provides dense foliage in which hummingbirds can hide.