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When Should Hummingbird Feeders Be Put Out in Georgia?

According to North Carolina State University, hummingbirds fly away from colder areas of the United States during the winter and go back when it's warmer. However, there are certain areas of the country where hummingbirds live all year.
  1. Migration

    • According to North Carolina State University, hummingbirds stay in certain areas of the southeast during the winter. Georgia Hummer reports that while ruby-throated hummingbirds leave Georgia in the winter, other hummingbirds stay in Georgia for the winter.

    Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

    • Ruby-throated hummingbirds fly away in October. If you only want to attract the ruby-throated hummingbirds, place your hummingbird feeders outside in early March as the birds arrive back in Georgia.

    Winter Hummingbirds

    • Some hummingbirds migrate to Georgia during the winter, arriving in November and leaving in March or April. But since Georgia has hummingbirds all year long, Georgia Hummer recommends placing at least one hummingbird feeder outside throughout the year.