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What Will Eat From a Hummingbird Feeder?

Birds generally eat seeds, but hummingbirds feed on nectar from flowers. As such, hummingbird feeders contain sugar water and could attract other organisms that feed on nectar.
  1. Bats

    • Some bats feed on nectar and sometimes eat from a hummingbird feeder, according to the University of Arizona. These bats include lesser long-nosed bats and Mexican long-tongued bats.

    Bees, Wasps and Butterflies

    • Bees, wasps and butterflies prefer foods with higher sugar content than the typical sugar solution in hummingbird feeders, but will sometimes gather at and eat from the feeders. A bee guard, a plastic mesh cap that fits over a feeding port, could make it more difficult for these insects to access the sugar solution.


    • Ants that like sweet foods often eat from a hummingbird feeder and have to be kept out. Apply a sticky or greasy substance on the feeder hanger to trap the ants. Otherwise, install a small pool of water or oil around the base of the hanger. This acts as a moat that will keep the ants from reaching the feeder.