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Effective Locations for Hummingbird Feeders

The dainty hummingbird is a favorite of birdwatchers. To attract more hummers to your backyard, be sure to choose a feeder location with plenty of shelter and shade, close to windows, and then maintain this placement year to year.
  1. Shelter and Shade

    • Hummingbird feeders should be placed near flowering plants, if possible, and in a location that is in the open but also sheltered from the wind, which can displace nectar. Nearby shrubs and trees offer birds and feeders additional protection. Keep feeders in the shade, because the sugar feeding solution can spoil quickly from overheating in direct sunlight.

    Close to Windows

    • One hundred million birds or more die each year in the United States after flying into windows, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Because birds reach maximum speed at distances of 6 feet or more, increasing severity of collisions, place feeders within 3 feet of a picture window or affix directly to the window frame.

    Same Location

    • Once you have established an effective location for your hummingbird feeder, it is important to place the feeder at the same location in following years. Visiting hummingbirds are known for being loyal to their feeding sites and frequently return to their favorite locations year after year. To attract more hummers, place additional feeders at a distance of 5 to 6 feet.