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What Kinds of Events Can Happen During a Blizzard?

The National Weather Service defines a blizzard as a weather event characterized by blowing snow with winds of 35 mph and visibilities of less than one quarter of a mile for over three hours. Blizzards are particularly dangerous because of the different kinds of events, such as traffic accidents, that often occur because of low visibility due to blowing snow.
  1. Traffic Accidents

    • Traffic accidents are particularly common during blizzards because drivers are unable to see the road in front of them. The term "white out" is used to describe an event in which there is low to no visibility on the road because of blowing snow. Cars often drive off the road or into oncoming traffic due to white out conditions. Only drive in a blizzard if you must, and be prepared by dressing warmly, bringing a cell phone and having roadside emergency supplies such as flares should you become stranded or lost on the road in a blizzard

    Home Damage

    • Because of the nature of blowing snow, home damage can be quite severe during a blizzard. Siding and shingles can blow off your home due to high winds and unsecured lawn furniture or home fixtures, such as wind chimes, can be blown away. Moisture from the snow can cause mold and mildew can rot floorboards, walls and other structures in your home.

    Frost Bite and Hypothermia

    • For whatever reason, there are often people who have to venture outside during blizzards. Due to strong winds and cold temperatures, the wind chill during a blizzard can be extremely dangerous. A wind chill is the amount of cooling one feels during a blizzard or other weather event due to the combination of wind and temperature, according to the United States Search and Rescue Task Force. The higher the wind speed and lower the temperature, the greater chance there is that a person in a blizzard may experience frost bite or hypothermia. Frost bite is a reaction to cold with symptoms such as loss of feeling and discoloration in the fingers, toes, nose and earlobes. Frost bite can cause permanent loss of feeling or discoloration if not treated. Hypothermia is a more severe condition in which the victim's body temperature is lowered dangerously due to prolonged exposure to cold. Hypothermia can result in death.


    • Do not venture outside during a blizzard unless it is absolutely necessary. If you must go outside, dress appropriately, putting on several layers of warm undergarments, socks and a water-proof jacket. Take along a flashlight, cell phone and flares should you become lost, stranded or injured and need to call for help. Finally, Keep drains and gutters clear so that melting snow can clear away from your home in a safe and orderly fashion.