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Winter Flowers & Outside Plants

While some flowers and plants struggle in a colder climate, others flat out die because the roots of the plants cannot take in the water in the soil as it freezes. If you are living in a cooler climate but want to grow flowers and plants in your garden to add life and personality, you need to use flowers and plants that can withstand the colder temperatures of fall and winter.
  1. The Winter Hazel

    • As stated by the name, the winter hazel is a shrub that grows in the colder winter months. The winter hazel will grow continuously and can grow to at least six feet if not more. To have the winter hazel grow during the winter months, you need to plant the shrub in September and up until November. Because of its strength, winter hazel will grow through the winter months and start blooming yellow flowers off its branches in the early spring. It will continue to grow and expand as it feeds off the sun.

    Traditional Ivy

    • Ivy is a common plant that is often seen growing on the sides of buildings and houses. While it is a strong solid green color in the early spring and summer months, it turns to a purple color when the weather starts to cool down. The ivy will survive the cold winter months because it is a strong and determined plant, but it can cause damage to buildings, bricks and wooden sidings.

    Christmas Rose

    • As stated by its name, the Christmas rose is a flower that grows in the cooler months of the year. The Christmas rose produces a large white flower that blooms in late December through January and February. For it to bloom successfully, the seeds must be planted before the soil freezes in the fall months. If you decide to use this flower in your garden, plant it in an area that is properly shaded as it needs proper drainage to survive the season.

    Common Snowdrops

    • Snowdrops are a common flower in the winter months as they are known to bloom and thrive in the colder weather. While the most common color is white, they do come in other colors as well. The snowdrops bloom in the cold winter months but start to change ways once the weather warms up in the early months of spring.