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White Ash Fall Colors

The white ash tree is known for its strength and large size. The stem of the tree is often used to make baseball bats and strong wooden tools. But the white ash is known for more than its usefulness. In the fall, it displays different colors that make this large tree stand out.
  1. Green to Yellow

    • Once the sunny summer months have ended, the bright green leaves on the white ash tree start to change color. The green leaves turn to a subtle yellow during the early fall, when the weather starts to cool down. Eventually, the yellow is bold, noticeable and solid, though not bright. There is almost a very light brown edge to the leaves during the early stages of transformation.

    Yellow to Red

    • Later in the fall, the white ash's leaves will change from the bold yellow to a bright red. The change takes place over a few weeks, depending on the weather. The transformation can often be spotted in progress, as the white ash will have yellow leaves at the bottom and red leaves at the top.


    • After the leaves have turned a bright red, they darken over time into a purple. Because the purple color can show up around leaves that are still yellow or red, the purple shade can appear to be burgundy or bronze from a distance. At this point in the fall, the full variety of colors can be seen on the tree. Purple is the darkest and last color the white ash's leaves turn before they fall to the ground.