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Asiatic Lily Planting Spacing

Asiatic lilies appear in garden centers in the spring or for the holidays, but the most economical and successful method for growing these hardy lilies is to plant them directly in the garden, preferably in the early fall. In addition to their reliability, Asiatic types also are the earliest to bloom, in May and June. Many hybrids are available in a range of colors from white, pinks and yellows to vivid reds and oranges. Depending on variety, plants can reach 2 to 4 feet tall. The U.S. Department of Agriculture designates these lilies as winter hardy in zones 4 to 8.

Things You'll Need

  • Asiatic lily bulbs
  • Shovel or spade fork
  • Planting mix
  • 20-20-20 fertilizer
  • Trowel
  • Hose with an end sprayer
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      Plant Asiatic lilies in full sun or partial shade in an area with good drainage. Loosen and turn over the soil to a depth of 12 inches. Work in approximately two 1-cubic-foot bags of planting mix for a 9-square-foot area and add 20-20-20 fertilizer according to label directions.

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      Wait approximately a week to allow the soil and fertilizer to settle.

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      Dig holes approximately 8 inches deep for large bulbs and 6 inches deep for small bulbs. The University of Minnesota recommends planting the same variety of Asiatic lily in groups of three to five bulbs. The space between the bulbs should be 8 to 12 inches. The space between groups should be approximately 3 feet.

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      Remove the bulbs from the packaging. Bulbs are in the approximate shape of a bulb of garlic. Inspect them for any damage or rot. The roots should be light in color and firm. Shake off any excess peat moss or other packaging material.

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      Spread the roots out when setting the bulbs in the holes. The final planting depth should be approximately 6 inches deep from the top of large bulbs and 2 to 4 inches deep for small bulbs. Backfill with soil, tamping down gently as you go.

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      Water the area, using a garden hose with the end sprayer set to a light to medium spray. Moisten the area for approximately two to three minutes. Allow the water to drain. Check the area for moisture every few days, then once a week. Do not allow the area to dry out.